Streetcar Updates

Monthly meetings held to discuss streetcar progress.

The Kansas City Streetcar Authority (KCSA) meets on the last Thursday of the month, from 12pm-1pm, at the Port Authority Office located at 300 Wyandotte, Kansas City, Missouri. These meetings are open to the public and the agendas are posted online at

The next KCSA Board Meeting is 12:00pm on Thursday, August 27, 2015.

The KCSA is a not-for-profit organization formed for the purpose of managing, operating, and maintaining the streetcar once it is operational. In addition to overseeing streetcar operations, the KCSA supports system branding, marketing, safety oversight, public communication, and community engagement.

While the KCSA is a separate entity, it works closely with the City of Kansas City, Missouri and the downtown Transportation Development District (TDD) to coordinate service development and long-term management of the streetcar.

The day-to-day functions of the KCSA are managed by its executive director, Tom Gerend, with oversight from the Board of Directors.

KCSA Board of Directors

Nick Benjamin
KC Power & Light District

Jon Copaken
Copaken Brooks

Mike Hagedorn
UMB Bank

David Johnson

Jim Miller
DST Realty

Teri Rogers

Tom Trabon- Board Chair
Trabon Consulting

Public Directors

Michael Collins
Port Authority of KC

Russ Johnson

Susan Ford Robertson
The Robertson Law Group

Liz Serpa-Flook
KC Power & Light District

TDD Directors

Jeff Krum
Boulevard Brewing Co.

Matt Staub
Graphicmachine, Inc.

For more information about the KCSA, please contact:

Ebony Jackson, Executive Assistant, Kansas City Streetcar Authority
816-859-7021 |

Donna Mandelbaum, Communications Manager, Kansas City Streetcar Authority
816-627-2526 |